Ileostomy Surgey
- Because the ileum contains digestive enzymes and acids that may cause skin irritation, extra care is needed click here for Silisse™ Skin Barrier with an ileostomy to keep waste materials from coming into contact with the skin on your abdomen.1
- Drink plenty of water and fluids - at least six to eight cups (1.4 - 1.9 litres) per day. Having an ileostomy may make you more prone to dehydration, which could lead to the loss of important minerals your body needs.2
More in Before Surgary
1. What is an ostomy? page. United Ostomy Associations of America Web site. Accessed December 10, 2015.
2. Evangelos M, M.D., Ph.D. • Rishabh S, M.B., B.Ch. • Susan D, B.A. Walter A. K, M.D. • David S, M.D. • Kevin McK, M.D. Lisa S. P, M.D. Readmission for Dehydration or Renal Failure After Ileostomy Creation. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 2013; v:56; i:8; p:974-979