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False /oidc-signin/en-au/ Convatec Group Contact Us България България Bosna i Hercegovina Bosna i Hercegovina Česko Česko Danmark Danmark Österreich Österreich Schweiz (Deutsch) Schweiz (Deutsch) Deutschland Deutschland Ελλάδα Ελλάδα United Kingdom United Kingdom Ireland Ireland España España Eesti Eesti Suomi Suomi Suisse (Français) Suisse (Français) France France Hrvatska Hrvatska Magyarország Magyarország Ísland Ísland Italia Italia Lietuva Lietuva Latvija Latvija Северна Македонија Северна Македонија Malta Malta Norge Norge België België Nederland Nederland Polska Polska Portugal Portugal România România Slovensko Slovensko Slovenija Slovenija Srbija Srbija Sverige Sverige Türkiye Türkiye Україна Україна Brasil Brasil United States (English) United States (English) Estados Unidos (Español) Estados Unidos (Español) Argentina Argentina Canada (English) Canada (English) Canada (Français) Canada (Français) Chile Chile Colombia Colombia Ecuador Ecuador México México Perú Perú Belize Belize Guyana Guyana Jamaica Jamaica Venezuela Venezuela Costa Rica Costa Rica Curaçao Curaçao República Dominicana República Dominicana Guatemala Guatemala Honduras Honduras Nicaragua Nicaragua Panamá Panamá Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Suriname Suriname El Salvador El Salvador الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة البحرين البحرين مصر مصر ישראל ישראל ایران ایران الأردن الأردن عُمان عُمان قطر قطر پاکستان پاکستان لبنان لبنان الكويت الكويت المملكة العربية السعودية المملكة العربية السعودية Suid-Afrika Suid-Afrika العراق العراق New Zealand New Zealand 日本 日本 Australia Australia India India Malaysia Malaysia Singapore Singapore 대한민국 대한민국 中国大陆 中国大陆 中国台湾 中国台湾 ไทย ไทย Indonesia Indonesia Việt Nam Việt Nam Philippines Philippines Hong Kong SAR China (English) Hong Kong SAR China (English) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区)) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区))

How is a Stoma created?

Understanding your stoma is the first step to having a healthy bond with it. So, here’s how a stoma is created.
a close-up of two surgeons ;

How is a stoma surgically created?

Understanding your stoma is the first step to having a healthy bond with it. So, here's how a stoma is created - a stoma is created when a portion of your large or small intestine or urinary tract has been brought through the surface of your abdomen (belly) and then folded back. The location depends on your medical condition. A stoma provides an alternative path for urine (in the case of a urostomy) or faeces (in the case of a colostomy or ileostomy) to leave your body.1

Not all stomas are created equal. They vary in size, shape, location and construction.2

  • End stoma: the bowel is cut, and the working end is brought through the abdomen to the skin surface
  • Loop stoma: a loop of the bowel is brought through the abdomen to the skin surface and temporarily supported by a plastic bridge or rod
  • Ileal Conduits or Urostomies: Stomata that produce urine.

Depending on the reason for your ostomy, your surgeon will decide which kind of stoma is best for you.

Like you, every stoma is unique. Taking good care of your stoma by selecting a pouching system and routine that fits your lifestyle is critical for your comfort and health. When fitted correctly and taken care of properly, pouching systems will restore a healthy bond between you and your body so you can return to a full and satisfying life.

More in Before Surgary

Before Surgery

At Your Pre-Surgery Visit

At Your Pre-Surgery Visit

Like most people who are preparing for ostomy surgery, you may be wondering what to expect.

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Before Surgery

In the hospital

In the hospital

Stoma placement may also be discussed in your pre-surgery visit. If your surgeon does not discuss stoma placement with you, we encourage you to ask about it before surgery.

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Preparing for Surgery

a doctor and a patient looking at a tablet

Glossary: Ostomy terms simply explained

Common Ostomy terms and phrases.

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1. A-Malik R, Clarke N, Pearse I, Carlson GL. Intestinal and urological stomas: surgical aspects. In: Lyon CC, Smith AJ, eds. Abdominal Stomas and Their Skin Disorders: An Atlas of Diagnosis and Management. London, UK: Martin Dunitz; 2001:1-20.

2. McGarity WC. Gastrointestinal surgical procedures. In: Hampton BG, Bryant RA, eds. Ostomies and Continent Diversions: Nursing Management. St Louis, MO: Mosby-Yearbook; 1992:349-371.

3. Your digestive system and how it works page. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse Web site. Accessed 16 November 2007.

4. Irrgang SJ. Anatomy and physiology of the genitourinary tract. In: Hampton BG, Bryant RA, eds. Ostomies and Continent Diversions: Nursing Management. St Louis, MO: Mosby-Yearbook; 1992:195-211.

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