Shake Off Post-Ostomy Surgery Anxiety
One of the biggest worries for people who have recently had ostomy surgery is what other people will think.
“Can they smell anything from my pouch? Do they notice my pouch? Who should I tell about my ostomy surgery?”
Time to Face Your Fears
You will become more comfortable with your ostomy pouch over time, and will gain confidence in its ability to retain odors. Here are a few tips to help reduce gas and odor, and lead to increased confidence:
Secured pouch
Foods to avoid
Foods to reduce odor
Odor-control sachets
Make sure your pouch is secure.
Odor can occur when there’s a loss of seal at the stoma site or if the tail closure is not clean.
ESENTA Sting Free Skin Barrier Wipes* create a breathable barrier that protects the skin from damage caused by pouch application. This can help secure the barrier around your stoma.
*Refer to Instructions-for-Use prior to use.
Avoid foods that can cause excessive odor such as:
- Asparagus
- Baked beans
- Broccoli
- Eggs
- Fish
Some food and drinks can help reduce odor, including:
- Cranberry juice
- Orange juice
- Parsley
- Peaches
- Melons
Use odor-control sachets
If you have an ileostomy with liquid output, this product will solidify liquid contents and reduce or eliminate excess gas, which may also lead to a flatter, more discreet pouch.
Featured Products
ESENTA™ Sting-Free Skin Barrier
ESENTA™ Hydrocolloid Strips (Thin Curve)
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