You can bathe or shower with or without wearing your pouching system - the choice is up to you. Water will not enter your stoma whilst enjoying a soak without your appliance. Well secured, modern stoma equipment will not be affected by water and dries quickly, so showering and bathing can still be enjoyed with or without your pouching system.1
If you're showering without your pouch, remove the baseplate too. Try to create a routine that coincides with when you're due for a pouch change. Once out of the bath/shower, your skin should be completely dry before applying a new baseplate and pouch.
If you're showering with your pouch system, check your pouch seal. Before getting in the bath or shower, make sure your seal is secure. It is recommended to wear the entire pouching system (baseplate and pouch).
Use all-natural products. If you shower with your pouch off, make sure you use a soap that is oil and residue-free. Shower gels, bath foams, and some moisturising lotions will be hard to rinse off, making it difficult for your pouching system to adhere.
Listen to your body. If possible, select a time when your stoma is less active.
Using a filtered pouch? Place a filter cover sticker over the filter opening before bathing.
Try Esenta Hydrocolloid Strips. If you choose to keep your pouching system on while bathing, Esenta Hydrocolloid Strips may be helpful if you will be bathing or showering.
Tips from our me+ community
Meghan gives us her top tips to bathing with a stoma bag.
Meghan Brown, @emc_brown
Meghan was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at 13 years old. She is an exclusive Convatec wearer and loves our Moldable Technology, ESENTA, Stomahesive® and our new Esteem Body products!
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1. Brigid Breckman. eBook: Stoma Care and Rehabilitation (page 67). United Kingdom: Elsevier Health Sciences; January 1 2005. source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false. Accessed January 23, 2024.