Preparing for Severe Weather with a Stoma
If you live in an area that may be affected by a natural disaster or severe weather, these tips may help you feel more confident and prepared with your regular stoma routine.
- If you take medicine or use medical supplies on a daily basis, be sure you have what you need on hand to make it on your own for at least 7-10 days
- If you don’t already use a mouldable baseplate, consider sampling one now. In the event you do not have access to scissors, mouldable baseplates may be easier to manage if your regular routine is interupted. Check out and sample the Esteem One-Piece Mouldable here.
- Keep a copy of your prescriptions, dosage or treatment information, specific order number and name of stoma products used, healthcare provider contact information and medical insurance information with your emergency supplies.
- Hydration is important. If you have advance notice of potential snowy weather, make sure you have enough clean drinking water on hand for at least three days. If you do not have advance notice, consider water sanitation devices available from camping or outdoor equipment retailers.
- If possible with your personal dietary needs, find some non-perishable, stoma-friendly foods to keep with your emergency supplies. For suggestions on what foods may work for you, read our diet information here or consult with your healthcare provider.
- Disposable cleansing wipes may be helpful if your normal pouch change routine is altered due to lack of clean water.
- Review your emergency preparedness plan with your family and friends. Having a support system in the event of winter weather may increase your confidence in handling various situations.
If you have additional stoma information questions, need support and resources, contact our me+ Advisors on 0800 467 866 UK / 1800 721 721 ROI - (Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm GMT) or by email at
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Esteem™+ Mouldable Drainable Pouch with InvisiClose®and Lock-it Pocket™
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1. Medications in an emergency kit? February 5, 2020. Accessed October 9, 2023.
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