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Urostomy Tips and Insights

7 tips for people living with a urostomy.
a man and a woman ;

A urostomy is a type of surgery which enables urine to exit the body through a stoma after removal of a diseased or damaged portion of your urinary tract.1

Learn more about the different urostomy types here.

With a urostomy, urine flows through your stoma as it is produced, so a pouching system is necessary. A urostomy is freely refluxing, meaning the urine can travel in either direction. All urostomy pouches have a drainage tap on the bottom, allowing you to empty the contents of the pouch repeatedly throughout the day.

Helpful Tips and Insights

  • Although you have a urostomy, the stoma is bowel tissue which creates mucus. Mucus is commonly seen coming from the stoma. 
  • You may want to try an extended wear barrier, designed to remain intact with urine exposure and protect the skin from prolonged exposure to excessive moisture. You may notice that your wafer is swollen around the stoma opening where the baseplate has absorbed excess fluid, this is called turtlenecking. Turtlenecking is an expected outcome of extended wear barrier.
  • Use pouches designed for people living with a urostomy. Urostomy - versus colostomy or ileostomy - pouches are designed to keep urine away from the stoma.
  • You may notice a sandpaper-like crust that may form on the inside of the pouch or the skin around the stoma. These are crystals, which occur when the urine is very alkaline or with a poorly fitted baseplate. Make sure the baseplate fits properly or try a Mouldable baseplate, which will provide a more customized fit.
  • Follow a basic peristomal skin care routine. Bathe or shower as normal, with or without the pouch on, using a residue free soap. Examine your peristomal skin with each pouch change for unusual coloring or skin irritations like rashes or breakdown. 
  • Drink plenty of liquids. Fluids will help keep the urine more acidic. Learn more about nutritional advice if you are living with an urostomy.
  • There is no need to purchase a new wardrobe. Urostomy pouches are not seen under most clothing. You may feel more confident using special stoma undergarments and apparel.

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Meet Thomas

Born with a rare birth defect called bladder exstrophy, Thomas' bladder was turned inside out. In 1969, just before his fourth birthday, he had urostomy surgery.

Read the rest of his story and the stories of other people living with an ostomy in the me+ Community.

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Getting Back into life

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Immediate Weeks Following Surgery

When you are in the hospital, you will be taught how to care for your stoma.

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Ostomy care

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Urostomy Tips & Insights

A urostomy is a type of surgery which enables urine to exit the body through a stoma after removal of a diseased or damaged portion of your urinary tract.

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Getting Back Into Life

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Your First 12 Weeks After Surgery

Your stoma surgery is finished, and you are at home. For many people, surgery can be the beginning of a more comfortable life. But it still requires adjusting to life with a stoma—physically and mentally.

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Adapting to Your Stoma

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Understanding Your Feelings

Living with a stoma will take some adjustment. In the first few weeks following surgery, you may find yourself feeling confused, angry, sad or frustrated.

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1. Taylor, P. An introduction to stomas: reasons for their formation. Nursing Times. Vol 101; p 63-41

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