When you begin working out again, you may run into some challenges or limitations. Be patient and don’t give up. Before long, nothing will stand in your way.
Optimal Ostomy Exercises
After ostomy surgery, many people may find these activities to be easier than others. But before starting any new exercise, talk to you doctor to make sure you're ready.
Core muscle conditioning
People who have an ostomy are at greater risk for having weakened core due to years of digestive or bladder issues, coupled with surgery. Building back core stability and flexibility is important, as it makes exercises and routine activities easier. Here are a few basic exercises to get started:
- Hip Extensions
- Upper Body Extensions
- Arm/Leg Extensions
- Pelvic Tilt
- Bridging
Swimming is great exercise. It works your whole body without putting strain or pressure on your stoma. Most ostomy pouching systems are water resistant, even for swimming. First, ensure that your pouching system is securely in place. Then, cover the vent on your deodorizing filter with a filter cover to prevent water from entering the pouch.
Get your steps in. Walking is a simple and energizing way to exercise. When walking, you can build up fitness at your own pace. Walking can also reduce stress and constipation.
Choose an activity you enjoy. Running, jogging, swimming, climbing, skiing; when it comes to working out with an ostomy, you shouldn’t be prevented from staying fit the way you want to.
Ted Vosk finds his way back to the activities he enjoys after his second ostomy surgery.
He started by walking 50 yards down the sidewalk in front of his house. Each day he went a little further, building strength and confidence one step at a time. And it worked. Six months after surgery, Ted ran two half-marathons on back-to-back weekends for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. He also returned to the courtroom, picking up his practice as a trial and appellate attorney.
Time to gear up.
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