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Immediate Weeks Following Ostomy Surgery

After your surgery, you may have questions about many things. Below is a starter list of questions you may want to ask your healthcare professional before you leave the hospital, or at your post-surgery appointments.
a doctor examining a patient ;

When you are in the hospital, you will be taught how to care for your ostomy. Your nurse will help you find the right products and pouching system for your individual needs. You should be given enough product samples to allow you to try a variety of system types and determine which is best for you. Make sure you contact your nurse if you or your caregiver is having trouble with the equipment. You should also know that your stoma will shrink during the months following surgery. Your ostomy nurse can help you adapt your pouching system appropriately. Additionally, any changes to your belly size (from pregnancy, weight loss/gain, exercise, etc.) may require re-sizing of your pouching system.

Questions you may want to ask

After your surgery, you may have questions about many things: diet, clothing, returning to work, intimate relations, etc. Below is a starter list of questions you may want to ask your healthcare professional before you leave the hospital, or at your post-surgery appointments:

  • My stoma looks large. Will it always be this size?
  • Who should I tell about my surgery?
  • How active can I be after surgery?
  • Should I bathe or shower with my pouch on? Do I need to use special soap?
  • Will my pouch cause odor? How can I control this?
  • How many times a day will I need to empty the pouch?
  • What is the correct way to empty a drainable pouch?
  • How long can I wear one appliance between changes?
  • Where can I purchase supplies?
  • Will my medical insurance cover the cost of my ostomy supplies?

Going home from the hospital

Leaving the hospital is an important milestone, but it also can cause anxiety for anyone with a new stoma. It’s normal to feel nervous about living with an ostomy, but it’s also important to remember that you are never alone. You may find that you have many questions in the days and weeks following your surgery. During this time, you may also find that you are feeling depressed, down or angry. You may experience some frustration until you get comfortable with your pouching system. All of these feelings are perfectly normal. Reach out to your ostomy nurse for help and encouragement.

me+™ Support Program

You can also reach out to our expert team of me+ ostomy nurses and product specialists for product-related questions or even if you just need reassurance that what you are doing is correct. Call them at 1-800-465-6302, Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm ET or join our me+ support program today.

Join me+

The me+™ recovery series may be right for you

The me+ recovery series, provides information and support about the importance of movement and physical activity after ostomy surgery.

Too many people are worried about harming themselves by doing physical activity, when in fact there are so many benefits to being active. To address this, we developed the me+ recovery series which is based-on gentle movements - guiding users through their recovery after ostomy surgery and beyond.

Learn more about me+ recovery a man and a woman sitting on a bed ;

More in Right After Surgery

Getting Back Into Life

two women embracing

Understanding Your Feelings

In the first few weeks following surgery, you may find yourself feeling confused, angry, sad or frustrated.

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Getting Back Into Life

a man and woman smiling

Urostomy Tips and Insights

A urostomy enables urine to exit the body through a stoma after removal of a damaged portion of your urinary tract.

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Getting Back Into Life

a man with a mustache

Your First 12 Weeks After Surgery

For many, surgery is the beginning of a more comfortable life, but it still requires adjusting, physically and mentally.

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Lifestyle Support

a man and a woman smiling

me+ Recovery

The me+ Recovery series provides information on the importance of movement and physical activity after ostomy surgery.

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Support and products throughout your ostomy journey.

You don’t have to figure it out alone. Join today and let us help you get back to doing the things that make you, YOU. Have questions? Call us at 1-800-465-6302 or enroll in the me+ support program today.

Join me+

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