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Understanding What is Normal When Using Intermittent Catheters

"Is cathing uncomfortable?" "I noticed bleeding, is it just me?"

If you’re looking for answers to these types of questions, we’re glad you’re here. Below you will find answers to some common questions we hear from new catheter users.

Q: "I’ve inserted my catheter but nothing is coming out, what do I do?"

A: If you've inserted your intermittent catheter and urine does not come out there are a few possibilities as to why:

  • Make sure you've inserted the intermittent catheter far enough to reach your bladder. At least one of the eyelet holes at the end of the catheter should be inside the bladder. Slowly and smoothly push the catheter in a little further, an inch or 2-3 centimeters at a time, until you see urine flowing out.
  • You may be using the incorrect catheter length. Talk with your doctor to make sure you're using the right size catheter for you and your body to properly empty your bladder. Here is some information to help with knowing what size catheter may be right for you. Male catheter users should feel an increase in pressure required as the catheter passes the prostate and
  • In rare cases there may be a blockage of the catheter eyelets. Remove the catheter and check there is nothing to prevent urine flowing through the catheter. Then take a new catheter and start the process again to prevent infection.

Q: "I noticed bleeding after cathing, is this normal?"

A: Users may occasionally notice blood in their urine when using an intermittent catheter. You should speak with your healthcare professional to understand if this is to be expected for your condition and stage of use of intermittent catheters. There may be a lot of blood if the urethra tears or a false passage is created. To minimize this risk, always use plenty of lubrication or a pre-lubricated, hydrophilic catheter to help reduce friction and the side effects of cathing.

Q: Using a catheter is uncomfortable, is this normal?

A: For many people, cathing may feel uncomfortable at first. This doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. There will be an adjustment period when you first start to self-catheterise. The time frame for a person to “desensitize” their urethral sensitivity, can vary for each person from a few days to a few weeks or possibly longer. You may experience a burning or stinging sensation when first using intermittent catheters as the urethra becomes used to the friction and movement of the catheter. It is also important to follow the prescribed cathing routine you and your doctor discuss.

It is important to speak with your healthcare professional about a self-catherisation routine that best meets your needs and approach to cathing. This routine should include knowing on average, how many times a day you’ll need to self-cath and what products are right for you.

Don’t ignore symptoms and always speak with your healthcare professional if you are having complications or think you have an infection or if complications persist.

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Enroll in me+™ or Request Product Samples

The me+™ support program offers tools to help make life as a catheter user completely your own. Enroll in me+™ or request free product samples. Experience the latest technology and discover answers to the most commonly asked cathing questions.

Adjusting to cathing can be tough, with a range of practical, physical and emotional challenges. You don’t have to figure it out alone.

Speak to one of our friendly product specialists today.

Call 0800 587 7560 (Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM).

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