Stoma & mental wellbeing
Caring for yourself before and after surgery
Read our guide to stoma and mental wellbeing
Ostomates can go through a whole range of emotions both before and after surgery, and our guide aims to help anyone who feels they are struggling, at any point of their stoma journey.
You’re not alone on your stoma journey
It’s easy to feel like no one knows what you’re going through when you first have stoma surgery, but you are not alone. Meet some of the Convatec advocates who have been where you are, and are tackling life as an ostomate head-on.
“At first, I was angry to have an ostomy but I don’t mind at all now, and am leading a normal life.”
Focus on acceptance and preparation
It is quite natural to feel as though you are on an emotional rollercoaster when you go through a life-changing experience such as stoma surgery.
Understanding the different stages of acceptance, and giving yourself time to prepare for what lies ahead, can help you to process your feelings, focus on the positives, and come out on the other side.
Don’t let your worries get you down
There are so many myths around living with a stoma, and many ostomates fear that they’ll never be able to go swimming again, eat their favourite foods, play sport, or lead any kind of normal life.
Instead of worrying yourself silly about these fears, why not read our myth-busting guide instead, and start looking forward to living the life you want.
Help and support to ease your fears
The sense of isolation can feel overwhelming after stoma surgery, but help is always available. In hospital, you can talk to your stoma care nurse about anything, then once you’re back at home, a lifetime of support from me+™ is just a click or phone call away. Our website and expert team can help you with anything that’s on your mind.