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Hello, my name is André Estrela, I am Brazilian, married and work as a graphic designer and influencer with a stoma. From a very young age I suffered from the severe symptoms of Crohn's Disease, being diagnosed only at the age of 13. Unfortunately, the medications were not having any effect and in 2010 (after 3 hospitalisations with severe bleeding) I had to undergo emergency surgery and remove my entire large intestine.
Since then I got my ileostomy, which I named "Charlie". I am currently very happy and adapted with my stoma and I try to help people find this acceptance through my channel "Ostomia em Foco"
How did you feel before having stoma surgery?
I was desperate and in denial! I already knew after my second bout of haemorrhage that if it happened again, I would have to have a stoma. Which made me lie several times and hide small bleeds. Only after a lot of conversation and the fundamental support of my wife (at the time a recent girlfriend) did I find the strength to move from the denial stage to acceptance. I would rather have a stoma than no longer live with those I love.
How do you feel now after stoma surgery?
I feel reborn and extremely grateful! It's as if I had a second chance, to start my life in a much more intense and fulfilling way. My quality of life improved a lot, I was able to go back to studying, working, going out, dating... The stoma gave me back the FREEDOM that I hadn't had in years due to the disease. Charlie arrived to be my companion on new adventures and together, we conquer more and more every day, exploring new horizons, having new experiences. To sum it up, I'm back to living and smiling.
Tell us about your hobbies. Any new ones since surgery?
I love to travel! After the operation, with this new freedom of no longer being held hostage by bathrooms, or always being prostrate, I always try to discover new places, especially those close to nature and of course... discover new beaches.
What do you know now that you wish you knew before having surgery?
That there is life after surgery! That it is possible to live fully, to do everything. Of course we have to adapt here and there, but there are no limitations to living with quality and being happy!
What are your favourite stoma products from Convatec?
ESENTA sprays, especially the adhesive remover. And of course, the mouldable bag. It brings incredible tranquility and freedom. I can change my bag ANYWHERE, super quickly and conveniently.
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