Una trayectoria de soluciones médicas pioneras y de confianza que mejoran las vidas que tocamos

El manejo fecal es nuestra prioridad, para que no tenga que ser la suya.
Incontinencia fecal: una seria amenaza para los pacientes
El manejo fecal es nuestra prioridad para que no tenga que ser la suya.
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Cómo podemos ayudarle a mejorar juntos la situación de sus pacientes
- Bayón García, Cristina & Binks, Rachel & De Luca, Enrico & Dierkes, Christine & Franci, Andrea & Gallart, Elisabet & Niederalt, Georg & Wyncoll, Duncan. (2012). Prevalence, management and clinical challenges associated with acute faecal incontinence in the ICU and critical care settings: The FIRSTTM cross-sectional descriptive survey. Intensive & critical care nursing : the official journal of the British Association of Critical Care Nurses. 28. 242-50.
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- Optimizing Fecal Containment Using Individualized Balloon Volumes; Catherine T. Milne APRN, MSN, BC-ANP, CWOCN1; Ann Durnal RN, BSN, CWOCN2; Mary Webb, RN, BSN, MA, CIC3, 1Connecticut Clinical Nursing Associates, LLC, Bristol, Connecticut; 2Ascension Carondelet St Mary’s Hospital, Tucson, Arizona;3San Mateo Medical Center, San Mateo, California
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- Metcalf et al. Contamination Risk During Fecal Management Device Removal: An In vitro, Simulated Clinical Use Study. Wound Manage Prev 2019; 65(3): 30–37.
- Odor Barrier Testing. 130124-001. Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
- Flexi-Seal® Privacy Bag Filter Evaluation. 121412-001. Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
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- García B, Binks R, De Luca E, Dierkes C, Franci A, Gallart E, Niederalt G, Wyncoll D, Vaes P, Soderquist B, Gibot S. Expert recommendations for managing acute fecal incontinence with diarrhea in the intensive care unit. J Intensive Care Soc. 2013;14(Suppl 2):1-9.
- Jones S, Towers V, Welsby S, et al. Clostridium difficile Containment Properties of a Fecal Management System: An In Vitro Investigation. Ostomy Wound Management 2011;57(10):38–49.