"Mikä aivan uskomaton tuote, sillä on ollut niin valtava vaikutus elämääni. Hämmästyttävää, hämmästyttävää, hämmästyttävää. Se on niin mukavaa ja se on vain helpottanut elämääni niin paljon."
Miksi valita ConvaTec-kupera?
Extensive range
ConvaTec offers an extensive range of convexity solutions to fit your body and lifestyle with firm, flexible and soft options.
Whether you are looking to resume an active lifestyle or just looking for something to move with your body, Esteem™+ Flex and Soft Convex options may help improve your ostomy pouch performance.
Good adhesion
Our range of convexity solutions are curved to fit your body and help give you a secure seal around your stoma that may help you feel more secure.
Product support
Still not sure if convexity might be right for you? Contact the me+™ team to speak to an ostomy nurse or product specialist to learn more and request samples today.
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